Wine makers

Čarga | Since 1767

The Čarga Farm, formerly the homestead of the Counts of Thurn-Taxis, is today owned by the Erzetič family. The love of the earth's most precious gift, the vine, and careful winemaking have been passed down from generation to generation since 1767. The farm combines the wisdom of the older generation with the new knowledge of the young. They live together with nature, observe it, adapt to it and protect it for future generations. They farm 15 hectares of vineyards, cut into the steep slopes of the flintstone soil. The narrow terraces are difficult to cultivate, but the quality of the grapes and wine makes it worthwhile. They express their terroir with ripe and distinctly dry wines, whose body is made up of minerals that are rich in the Brda “opoka” soil.  The focus is on the local varieties of Brda, Rebula, Tokaj and Malvasia, but other world-famous varieties are also produced. The flagship of the Čarga wine house is the Donna Regina sparkling wines, produced using the classic Champagne method, which have been their pride and joy since 1994.

Wine tasting
Wine cellar visit
Wine sale

Outdoors: 50 seats
Indoors: 50 persons