Brda produce

In Goriška Brda, where the Mediterranean and Alpine influences meet, the land  produce impresses with its exceptional quality and unique taste. The aromatic notes reflect the warmth of the Brda sun, the proximity of the sea and the freshness of the mountain air.

It's hard to miss the variety of flavours here! The grapes are full of passion, the olive oil of Brda is bursting with a symphony of flavours, the aromatic fruits, jams and brandies intertwine the poetry of the Brda soil and sun, the honey of Brda is a testimony to sustainability amongst the vast hills and terraces, and the fields of lavender are a dance floor for the playful butterflies, bumblebees and the other little inhabitants of the Brda meadows.

Visit Brda and taste the produce that will tell you about the passion and commitment to nature.

Brda providers
Brda providers
Olive oil
Olive oil
Jams and marmalades
Jams and marmalades
Liqueurs and brandies
Liqueurs and brandies
Lavender products
Lavender products
Dried fruit
Dried fruit