Flavors of Love

01.05.2024 - 16.06.2024

Spring brings the first crops to our gardens and orchards - in April we are already harvesting medicinal wild and cultivated asparagus, and in May we are sweetening our hearts with the first cherries.

On the menus of the participating restaurants in May and June, the cherry and the asparagus will dance a romantic dance of the original Flavours of Love. During this period, you can indulge your taste buds with a short love show from the promotional menu for just 30 EUR.

Meet our culinary virtuosos and indulge in their culinary masterpieces in the company of fine wines.  



TURIZEM BREG, Breg pri Golem Brdu 3, 5212 Dobrovo

Reservation: 05 304 25 55, info@turizembreg.com


  • Bruschetta with prosciutto and cherries
  • Asparagus minestrone with almonds, croutons, Parmesan cheese and homemade olive oil
  • Chicken fillet in cherry sauce, potatoes, strudel with cottage cheese and asparagus
  • Chocolate ice slices on cherry cream

 More info: Turizem Breg


KRUH IN VINO, Vipolže 29, 5212 Dobrovo

Reservation: + 386 5 620 12 89, info@kruhinvino.si


  • Our welcome from the kitchen: traditional horseradish spread and several types of homemade bread
  • Asparagus flan, egg and prosciutto
  • Homemade gnocchi with three asparagus spears: green, white and wild
  • Dessert: Cherry and chocolate flavoured ice cream

 More info: Kruh in vino


RESTAURANT GREDIČ, Ceglo 9, 5212 Dobrovo

Reservation: +386 40 477 817, info@gredic.si


  • Stag tartar with Brda cherry
  • Roulade of rooster with artichoke and local cheese, asparagus sauce, potatoes

 More info: Gredič


GOSTILNICA NA LEPEM RAZGLEDU, Gornje Cerovo 51, 5211 Kojsko

Reservation: 040 238 990, milena.princic@gmail.com


  • Frtalia (omelette) with asparagus
  • Asparagus soup
  • Gnocchi with asparagus and sausage
  • Pork fillet with cherry sauce
  • Cherry strudel

 More info: Gostilnica na lepem razgledu


DOMAČIJA KABAJ MOREL, Šlovrenc 4, 5212 Dobrovo

Reservation: 05 395 95 60, info@kabaj.si


  • Marinated gamberries with cherry vinegar, cherry jelly, asparagus
  • Green asparagus barley, prosciutto, white asparagus cream, prosciutto sauce
  • Cherry sorbet, foam of homemade limoncello, Pet Nat Corvus

 More info: Domačija Kabaj


HIŠA ŠTEKAR, Snežatno 26a, 5211 Kojsko

Reservation: 041 335 320, hisastekar@gmail.com


  • Soup with cherries
  • Asparagus with white polenta, parmesan sauce, pancetta, smoked cottage cheese
  • Gnocchi with cherries

 More info: Štekar


RESTAURANT HOTEL VENKO, Neblo 11, 5212 Dobrovo

Reservation: + 386 5 398 87 73, restavracija@venko.si


  • Tuna tartare on salad mix and cherry cream
  • Shark steak with green asparagus and Dalmatian side dish
  • Dessert

More info: Venko



GOSTILNA BRIC, Miren 120, 5291 Miren

Reservation: +386 53 954 420, gostilna.bric@siol.net


  • Cottage cheese dumplings with asparagus sauce and crispy prosciutto
  • Roast beef, white polenta, gorgonzola sauce, green asparagus, and cherries
  • Spring desert

More info: Gostilna Bric


GOSTILNA MAKORIČ, Orehovlje 31, 5291 Miren

Reservation: +386 05 30 54 394, gostilna.makoric@siol.net


  • Octopus, green asparagus, cherries, young salty cheese, and pistachios or House asparagus soup with wheat croutons
  • "Orzotto" with sausage, white and green asparagus, and maidenstears pesto or Violet potato gnocchi with seared prawns and green asparagus on Jerusalem artichoke cream and white asparagus
  • Venison "stratagliata" in cherry sauce on potato puree with asparagus or Trout rolls, green asparagus cream, fermented cherry sauce
  • Creme caramel with white asparagus, sweet cherry caviar, berries with elderflower syrup, and cherry coulis or Pistachio tiramisu with chocolate and cherries

More info: Gostilna Makorič


GOSTILNA ŠTIRNA, Opatje selo 42, 5291 Miren

Reservation: +386 41 844 672, gostilna.stirna@gmail.com


Fish menu:

  • Octopus in salad with green asparagus and cherries
  • Fish skewers with »hrustavka« cherry  and asparagus cream
  • Seasonal salad
  • Cherry pie with asparagus marmalade

Meat menu:

  • Asparagus wrapped in Karst pancetta baked in beer dough with spicy cherry sauce
  • Turkey roulade with cherries, asparagus cream
  • Seasonal salad
  • White mousse with asparagus and cherry marmalade

Več informacij: Gostilna Štirna



Reservation +386 40 220 409 ali +386 31 580 233, domacija.mirko@gmail.com


  • Asparagus spread on toasted bread
  • Gratinated asparagus with cheese and crispy pancetta, asparagus sauce, and toasted polenta
  • Grilled roast beef Grilled pork tenderloin Roasted baby potatoes with rosemary Grilled asparagus
  • Pannacotta with cherry sauce in a glass

 More info: Izletniška domačija Mirko


The biggest and most dedicated gourmets - don't miss the GALA DINNER in the romantic ambience of the Renaissance Vila Vipolže in Brda.

On 22 May, starting at 18.00, a unique musical and culinary performance will take place in the company of Tilen Artač: 9 caterers, 9 courses, 9 selected wines from the best winemakers from Brda, Vipava Valley and Karst.

Only 50 places available.

Menu price 130 eur

Reservations: Tic Brda and Eventim

You are cordially invited to a sensual indulgence of the taste buds that will ignite passions and leave lasting traces!

Where taste meets love!

See more

Piano recital by pianist Rok Marinič Podbršček
11.4.2025 Piano recital by pianist Rok Marinič Podbršček
4th Cherry blossom hike
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