The castle in Dobrovo was built in the 13th century, but over centuries it has slowly dilapidated. At the beginning of the 17th century, a new Renaissance castle was built on its site, which has remained relatively unchanged to this day and is considered one of the most beautiful castles in the Goriška region.

The Dobrovo Castle will captivate you at first sight with its imposing and characteristic appearance. It is almost a regular square in plan, with symmetrically placed towers at the corners. The walls were probably built during the Second Venetian War (1615-1617) and converted into an arcade hallway after the end of the danger. One of the towers was converted into a chapel dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua. The walls of the chapel are decorated with original and replicas of Gothic frescoes from northern Primorska.

The first owners are said to have been the Counts of Colloredo, for a short time the Marquise Montecuccoli, and from the end of the 18th century the Catterini-Erzberg family from Gorizia. In 1872, the property passed into the hands of the Baguer family by marriage.

On the first floor of the castle, you will find the Knights' Hall with the coats of arms of some of the noble families who owned the castle. In the hall, a mural depicting a naval attack on the city has been preserved. Today, the Knights' Hall hosts many musical and other events. Another interesting feature is the Hunters’ Room, where Count Baguer's estate is depicted, painted on the walls by Clemente Del Neri in 1894. His artwork is also on display in the staircase.

Museum collections:

Castle Collection - an attempt at reconstruction

Zoran Mušič Gallery

Ad sanctos. Archaeological research in the church of St. Lenart in Dolnji Cerovo

Hum Cooperative Home - 70 years

Price list

Adults: 5 EUR

Groups: 4 EUR (price per person)

Children, pupils, students: 2 EUR

Pensioners: 3 EUR

Family ticket: 10 EUR