
Fojana is a village that was less well known to visitors due to the late establishment of a road connection. It has a rich history: in the Middle Ages, the famous lords of Fojana lived here, and during the two wars, the first cooperative in Brda was founded here.

Rado Simoniti, an important composer and conductor, was born in Fojana.
Historically rich, Fojana has two churches. The first is called Holy Spirit on the Lake. The local tradition speaks about the hollow or lake beneath it; the fact is that the hill is sliding along with the church. Rado Simoniti, the Slovenian composer is buried in this church. The second church is the parish church of St Florian, single-nave church with the main altar dating back to 1800.

In 2014, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Rado Simoniti's birth, a memorial was erected at his birthplace in Fojana.

